The PELP is a process that is updated every five years and defines different energy scenarios and identifies potential development poles within the country, which allows us to work step by step in the process of energy transformation of great proportions, which in the future will give the sustainable space that we both want as a society. This will serve in the long term to project future scenarios of energy supply and demand in the country and will be inputs for the planning of electricity transmission carried out by the National Energy Commission. (more info) (more info)



In an agreement established with the Ministry of Energy, the Complex Engineering Systems Institute generated a study that explored the potential of distributed energy resources as an engine of employment and efficient and sustainable development for the country. Through the collected and researched, it was also possible to establish a series of criteria and methodologies to implement the development of distributed generation and distributed energy resources in general to incorporate them into the planning of the expansion of electricity systems in Chile. (more info)



Is it possible to retire all coal-fired power plants by 2025? It is part of the doubts that ACERA A.G proposed to answer in the study requested from SPEC in collaboration with the Complex Engineering Systems Institute and the Federico Santa María Technical University.<br> The report takes on special importance in a global context in which climate change is a latent problem and does not threaten to become a reality, but we already live with it. Both the energy and transport... (more info)



This visualizer allows you to easily observe and analyze data on energy consumption in Chile by commune, including electricity demands and demands for various fuels. In addition, technical metrics of supply quality, billing, and demographic and socio-economic indices (including indicators of vulnerability and energy poverty) are included. The objective is to provide structured information that allows to study, in a friendly, independent way and without depending on an expert, the behavior of energy consumption in Chile... (more info)


Proyección de precios en escenarios de descarbonización

Se realizan proyecciones de precio a nivel horario por varios años hacia adelante enfrentando escenarios de descarbonización.

Mecanismo de ofertas para el mercado eléctrico

Se cuantifican los beneficios de un sistema de ofertas en el mercado spot, reemplazando el actual sistema de costos auditados.

Oportunidades de almacenamiento en Chile

Estudio de las oportunidades de inversión en almacenamiento para el mercado chileno, identificando barreras y haciendo recomendaciones de mejoras en el marco regulatorio.

Producción de hidrogeno verde a partir de vertimientos

Se estudia la factibilidad de producir H2 verde a nivel de transmisión y distribución mediante energía vertida por congestiones en las redes eléctricas en Chile.

Public and private benefits of pumped storage hydro in Chile

Estudio de los beneficios del almacenamiento por bombeo hidroeléctrico y desarrollo de modelos para optimización de operación/diseño de la planta y decisiones financieras.

Analysis of electricity market designs for low-carbon systems

Modelos de equilibrio y algoritmos para el análisis de diseños de mercados eléctricos para sistemas interconectados y bajos en carbono.

Beneficios de la participación de la demanda en SSCC en Chile

Se analizan las mejores prácticas regulatorias a nivel internacional y se cuantifica el eventual aporte de la demanda en el control terciario de frecuencia.

Mesa de trabajo para la elaboración del Reglamento de potencia

Participación en los ciclos de trabajo organizados por el ministerio de energía que analizaban la regulación de los pagos por potencia en el mercado eléctrico chileno.